adore you翻译成中文是什么意思



you know that i adore you你知道我崇拜你双语例句1I am trying to let you know that I adore you and that I cherish the time we spend together.我总是想让你知道我有多么爱慕你,多么珍惜和你共同度过的岁月点滴。


1、用“like”来表示:I like listening to music .
2、用“love”来表示:I love listening to music.
3、用“enjoy ”来表示:I enjoy listening to music.
4、用“be fond of”来表示:I am fond of listening to music.
5、用“be keen on”来表示:I am keen on listening to music.
6、用“adore”来表示:I adore listening to music.
7、用“delight in”来表示:I delight in listening to music .
例句:Do you like their new house?(翻译:你喜欢他们的新房子吗?)
例句:He loved the way she smiled.(翻译:他喜欢她微笑的样子。)
3、 enjoy:享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱。
例句:Ross had always enjoyed the company of women.(翻译:罗斯向来喜欢有女人伴其左右。)
4、be fond of sth:指喜爱(尤指已爱上很长时间的事物)。
例句:We were fond of the house and didnt want to leave.(翻译:我们喜欢上了这座房子,不想搬家。)
5、be keen on sth:指喜欢、喜爱。
例句:Shes not keen on being told what to do.(翻译:她不喜欢别人向她发号施令。)
例句:I simply adore his music!(翻译:我简直太喜爱他的音乐了!)
7、delight in:喜欢…,以…为乐;深嗜笃好;赏玩。
例句:I enjoy seeing your parents take such a delight in the boys. (翻译:看到你父母如此喜欢这些男孩子,我很高兴。)