
动名词复合结构构成 什么是英语的复合结构?



移动名词的复合结构。移动名词的复合结构是:主代词或名词所有网格 移动名词这里的主代词或名词网格是移动名词的逻辑主语。这种结构通常是句子中的主语和宾语。例如: Mary’s coming late made her teacher angry.玛丽迟到使她的老师非常生气。Do you mind my smoking? 我可以抽烟吗? 在这种结构中,除了作为主语外,其他名词不常用于物主代词,而是用人称代词宾格代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词代词。I am sure of his coming on time.我相信他会准时来的。He has never heard of a woman being a pilot.他从未听说过女人当飞行员。with这种结构由名词(代词) 分词(不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语)组成,在句子中作为状语或定语,因此可以改为具有相应语法功能的句子。

1.做法或伴随状语(位于句末)。Don”t talk with your mouth full. 满嘴不要说话。The teacher entered the classroom,with a book in her hand.老师手里拿着一本书走进教室。(= The teacher entered the classroom and she had a book in her hand. )

2.时间状语(位于句首或句末)。With his homework finished,he went to see a film.他做完作业就去看电影了。(= After his work was finished,he went to see a film. ) The room is very bright with all the lights on.所有的灯都打开了,教室里非常明亮。

3.原因状语(位于句首或句末)。I can”t go out,with a lot of homework to do.我不能出去,因为有很多作业要做。(= I can”t go out because of a lot of homework to do. )

4. 用作条件状语(位于句首)。With Mary to help me,I can do it better.如果玛丽帮助我,我可以做得更好。(= If Mary helps me,I can do it better. ) With time permitting,we”ll visit the Great Wall. 如果时间允许,我们将参观长城。(= If times permits,we”ll visit the Great Wall. )

5. 用作定语(位于修饰词之后)。There were rows of white houses,with trees in front of them.那里有一排排的白色房屋,前面有树。I like to live in the house with its windows facing the sea.我喜欢住在面向大海的房子里。