
实现我们的梦想英文 我们下定决心实现我们的梦想英文?



大家下定决心完成我们的梦想We are determined to achieve our dreams 大家下定决心完成我们的梦想We are determined to achieve our dreams



1、dreams come true例句:You deserve to have your dreams, and you can make them come true.你就应该有着自己的梦想,把它们完成。

2、achieve one's dreams例句:I wear the school uniform properly, pay attention in class and alwaysdo my best sothat I may achieve my dreams. 我能恰当穿着校服,专心致志授课认真学习,实现自己的梦想,让我的家庭生活为我而自豪,自身。

3、realize one's dreams例句:I think through my efforts, should realize their dreams. 我想根据我的努力,该会实现自己的梦想。

4、 for one's dreams例句:For this moment, they work so hard to realize their dreams. 为了能这一刻,他们是如此认真工作来达到他的梦想。

5、materialize one's dreams例句:The perspective this creates is one that encourages actions and going after your dreams andgoals. 这一形容鼓励大家积极主动付诸行动,追求梦想与目标。